oh but didn't you know?

alter ego.


black heels clean lines clean architecture organic silhouettes glitter lips hot pants retro science retro methematics retro technology loose cotton clouds boxes long windows tree arches bondage backs flat stomachs silver glasses airy skirts photo albums big headphones small cameras jellyfish secret codes lab coats girlie cardigans bare trees bright fruit and blossoms plums pickles cropped faces hands contrast snow elastic pleats hooks and eyes prayer pillows sheets lace details maps cloth comfort wood panels clear floors sunlight big black coffee mug home microscopes pixie block colors coral sea anemones


A few things...

1. There are quite a few links down on amandabarrett.net, particularly in the video section and text section. Trying to amend this as quickly as possible. Apparently had more riding on the old Rutgers server than I had thought...

2. JUXTAPOSED at Pharmaka Gallery opened the other week in LA and I'm happy to say project LUCID was part of the exhibition.

3. Betsey Bigg's Eleven Dreams in Red Hook is close to completion. I should have the website together this week for the launch. Come take the audio tour in Red Hook Saturdays in September!

4. The wall in the loft is gone and priming has commenced.

5. My phone has been found and my ipod is alive.

6. I now know how to make 3 dishes with eggplant.



panorama of the common area in the loft on Mulberry.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes


ewe and me

currently reading two books on sheep.
kind of.


Sometime in the AM...

for the record, we made him do this.


eleven dreams in red hook

Today I visited Red Hook for the first time with Betsey.

It was like walking into a dream.

Currently working on a website for Betsey's audio tour of Red Hook. More on that soon. Come and tour the neighborhood, every Saturday in September!

GO HERE--->>> amandabarrett.net